100+ Student Report Card Comments

I know personally the power report card comments can have on a student.

When I was in 5th grade, my teacher wrote a comment on the back of my report card:

“Cassi is a bright girl.”

All these years later, I still remember that report comment and how good it made me feel.

More than just a reflection of grades, comments for elementary report cards are a vital communication tool that bridges the gap between school and home, helping parents understand their child’s progress. The report card comments section, often overlooked, carries considerable weight, offering the chance to provide insights into a student’s strengths, areas for improvement, and overall development.

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This blog post will guide you on how to make your report card comments more meaningful, personalized, and impactful. With nearly 20 years of experience in the classroom, and countless report card comments under my belt, I hope to share the wisdom that I’ve accumulated to help you in this process. So, let’s dive right in!

Understanding the Art of Report Card Commenting

Writing report card comments is not just about ticking off a box in your list of teaching responsibilities.

It’s an art, one that needs a fine balance between honesty, tact, and encouragement.

A well-written comment can not only boost a student’s self-esteem but also inspire them to take an active role in their learning journey.

Remember, as teachers, we wear many hats.

One of them is being an influential communicator.

The way we phrase our observations can greatly influence a child’s attitude toward learning and self-improvement. After all, the aim of education isn’t just academic progress but the overall development of a child.

This is where our writing skills come into play, helping us craft messages that are concise, clear, and carry the right sentiment.

In the sea of grades, our report card comments serve as a beacon, highlighting each student’s unique abilities, achievements, and challenges. By providing thoughtful and personalized feedback, we can make a lasting impact, reaffirming our students’ strengths and guiding them toward steady progress.

Stay tuned as we explore the essentials of writing report card comments, from what to include and avoid, to how we can leverage positive comments and our positive attitude to motivate and inspire our students.

The Value of Positive Comments in a Report Card

We all understand that positive reinforcement goes a long way in inspiring students to put forth their best effort.

A report card isn’t just about pinpointing the areas that need improvement; it’s also about celebrating the triumphs, no matter how small.

A positive comment for the report card has the potential to lift spirits, boost confidence, and act as a powerful motivator.

Positive Attitude and Its Impact:

Students with a positive attitude often find it easier to deal with new challenges and make steady progress. Positive comments can help foster this attitude, enabling students to face their school day with enthusiasm and optimism.

Hard Working Students and Their Progress:

Recognize the hard work that your students put into their assignments and projects. A simple comment about their good progress, attention to detail, and strong problem-solving skills can mean a lot to a hard-working student.

Highlight their impressive understanding and conscientious effort, whether it’s in completing tasks, class discussions, or group activities.

Classroom Dynamics:

The classroom is a microcosm of society, and each student plays a unique role. Some students are kind and caring, others are active participants who make classroom activities lively, while some may need frequent reminders but still respect classroom rules consistently.

Acknowledge their roles, their work habits, and the impact they have on their peers.

Remember, a bright future awaits our students, and with our positive comments, we can guide them towards it, one progress report and card at a time.

Addressing Academic Progress in Report Card Comments

Assessing a student’s academic progress isn’t just about the grades they’ve scored. It’s also about their willingness to learn, the effort they put into their classroom assignments, and how well they utilize their class time. In our comments, we can address these aspects effectively, giving a complete picture of the student’s academic journey.

Math and Science Skills:

When addressing basic math facts or science concepts, it’s essential to identify not only their understanding but also their application skills. For instance, a comment for report card could be, “Shows an impressive understanding of basic math facts. Could focus on applying these facts in problem-solving scenarios.”

Language and Writing Skills:

For language and writing skills, focus not only on grammar and vocabulary but also on creativity and expression. For instance, you can write, “Exhibits strong verbal and written communication skills. Shows promise in creative writing tasks. Could work on incorporating a wider range of vocabulary.”

Critical Thinking Skills:

Critical thinking is a key 21st-century skill that enables students to analyze, evaluate, and create. Commend their logical thought process, ability to analyze situations, and creative problem-solving abilities.

Homework and Class Assignments:

A student’s approach to homework and class assignments can reveal a lot about their organizational skills, time management, and commitment. Acknowledge their willingness to complete homework assignments on time and highlight if they have shown improvement over the school year.

While addressing academic progress, remember that every student learns at their own pace.

A comment like “Making steady progress in his/her learning process. Keep up the good work!” can go a long way in encouraging a student. Similarly, constructive feedback, like “Would benefit from spending a bit more effort on homework assignments,” can guide a student towards better learning habits.

Evaluating Social Skills and Behavior in Report Card Comments

In this interconnected world, a student’s social skills are as crucial as their academic progress. From class discussions to group activities, their behavior has a profound impact on their learning experience and that of others.

Interactions with Peers:

Note how the student interacts with other students in group tasks or group work. Comments like “Exhibits kindness and respect during group activities, setting a positive example for peers,” or “Would benefit from more active participation in group tasks to develop better communication skills,” paint a clear picture of the child’s social interactions.

Classroom Behavior:

The way a student behaves during class time tells a lot about their respect for school rules and classroom rules. Acknowledge their conduct, be it following the rules, exhibiting self-discipline, or their active role during class discussions.

Respect Towards Teachers and Staff:

Observations about the student’s interactions with teachers and staff can be valuable. Respectful behavior towards adults is as significant as peer interactions.

Handling Classroom Dynamics:

The ability to navigate classroom dynamics effectively is a skill that helps students throughout the school day and their life. Recognize their positive role model behavior, resilience in challenging situations, and their sense of humor, which can lighten up the most stressful days.

Encouraging Improvement and Future Goals

Every report card is a stepping stone towards a student’s growth and development. By using constructive comments that identify areas for improvement and set future goals, we can guide our students towards success.

Constructive Feedback:

Identify specific areas that the student needs to work on, like time management, attention to detail, or critical thinking skills. Use phrases such as “Shows potential in…”, “Could work on…”, or “Would benefit from…”.

Setting Future Goals:

Set realistic and achievable goals for your students. For instance, if a student has been doing very good progress in Math but struggling in English, you could say something like, “Keep up the fantastic work in Math! Let’s put in a similar effort in English in the next term.”

Positive Reinforcement:

lways end on a positive note, providing encouragement and motivation. “You’ve made great improvements this term, and I am confident you’ll continue this progress in the next term” is a great way to show faith in the student’s abilities.

The Big Picture:

It’s essential to reassure students that one report card doesn’t define their entire academic journey. Remind them, “Every day is a new learning opportunity. Remember, the effort you put in today will build a bright future ahead.”

Remember, our comments in a report card have the power to shape a child’s future, so let’s make each word count.

Students Report Card Comments – Short & Sweet

We understand that teachers are pressed for time, and crafting the perfect comment can sometimes feel like a daunting task.

Therefore, we have created a list of 100 short, positive report card comments to provide some inspiration and make this task a bit easier.

Let’s highlight those shining moments and students’ growth in succinct, meaningful ways.

Work Ethic/Behavior:

Shows great diligence in work habits.

Demonstrates excellent concentration skills.

Follows classroom rules consistently.

Excellent self-discipline demonstrated.

Consistently responsible and dependable.

Takes accountability for actions.

Admirable work habits.

A self-motivated student.

Social Skills/Participation:

Displays kindness towards others.

A wonderful class helper.

Cooperates well in group tasks.

Positive role model for peers.

Great team player.

Respectful to all classmates.

Active participant in class.

Academic Performance:

Demonstrates strong problem-solving skills.

Exhibits impressive understanding.

Shows progress great improvement in academic area.

Excels in creative writing.

Strong written and verbal communication.

Mastery of basic math facts.

Time Management/Organizational Skills:

Organized and efficient.

Uses class time wisely.

Excellent time management skills.

Keeps workspace clean and orderly.

Meets deadlines consistently.

Manages tasks effectively.

Attitude/Learning Approach:

Eager and enthusiastic learner.

Faces new challenges courageously.

Demonstrates a positive attitude.

Maintains a good sense of humor.

Embraces learning opportunities.

Shows a keen interest in _____.

Creativity & Critical Thinking:

Uses imaginative approaches.

Displays keen critical thinking skills.

Shows original thinking in work.

Consistently adds creative ideas.

Demonstrates a vivid imagination.

Class Participation:

Actively engages in class discussions.

Asks thoughtful questions.

Willingly shares ideas.

Often leads classroom discussions and other classroom activities.

Contributes valuable insights.


Making good progress in _____.

Significant improvement in _____.

Shows steady progress.

Making very good progress in _____.

Progress in _____ is commendable.


Puts forth best effort.

Makes a willing and conscientious effort.

Efforts in _____ are impressive.

Always eager to try new tasks.


Adapts well to new situations.

Embraces change positively.

Adjusts well to online learning and distance learning.

Demonstrates flexibility in learning.

Comfortable with new challenges.


Bounces back from difficulties.

Demonstrates resilience in learning.

Overcomes obstacles effectively.

Persistently tries until success.

Exhibits great determination.


Works well with peers.

A positive influence in group work.

Collaborates effectively in groups.

A team player in group activities.

Shares ideas generously with peers.


Takes an active role in class.

Demonstrates leadership qualities.

Leads group tasks effectively.

A positive influence on peers.

Takes initiative in class assignments.


Excellent at drawing inferences.

Adept at problem-solving.

Displays good computational skills.

Excellent command of language.

Effective in verbal communication.


Shows keen interest in science.

Enthusiastic about reading.

Exhibits passion for history.

Demonstrates interest in arts.

Shows great passion for sports.

Attention to Detail:

Exceptional attention to detail.

Precise in mathematical calculations.

Displays accuracy in writing.

Detail-oriented in assignments.


Consistently persistent in tasks.

Does not give up easily.

Tackles challenging tasks persistently.

Maintains a sense of humor and determination in all tasks.

Persistently works toward goals.


Demonstrates enthusiasm for learning.

Embraces tasks with excitement.

Eager to explore new topics.

Shows enthusiasm in discussions.

Radiates positivity in class.


Shows respect for peers.

Consistently respectful toward staff.

The Power of Positive Comments

As we conclude this guide, let’s remember the power of positive comments. Every student learns at their own pace, and every child has unique strengths and challenges. It’s our job as educators to nurture their potential and encourage their growth.

Effective report card comments recognize students’ progress while identifying areas for improvement. They reinforce the message that every child’s progress is valued, every effort is noticed, and every success, no matter how small, is celebrated.

While it’s crucial to address areas of concern, it’s equally vital to commend the students’ achievements, good progress, and hard work. Remember, even a few positive words can inspire students and give them the confidence they need to excel.

Even on the toughest school days, we must remember that our primary role is to support our students and help them grow. It’s an immense responsibility, but it also brings immeasurable rewards. As we draft our report cards, let’s strive to communicate with empathy, understanding, and genuine care.

Putting a Positive Spin on Challenging Tendencies

When communicating about students’ behaviors in report cards, one crucial aspect to remember is the power of perspective.

Sometimes, a difficult trait can also represent a potential strength if viewed from a different angle.

Let’s look at some of these challenging tendencies and find ways to present them positively. After all, every challenge is an opportunity in disguise.

High Energy: A student who might be labeled as ‘hyper‘ could be viewed as someone with boundless energy. Comment example: “Your child is incredibly energetic! Together, let’s explore strategies to channel this energy into productive classroom activities.”

Talkative: Students who often have a lot to say can be praised for their communicative skills. Comment example: “Your child has a wealth of ideas and loves to share them! We’ll be working on strategies to share speaking opportunities with other students, further enhancing the class discussions.”

Distraction-prone: Instead of labeling a child as ‘lazy,’ we can recognize their unique interests. Comment example: “Your child shows intense interest in certain activities. Our challenge will be to apply this same enthusiasm to their schoolwork.”

Inquisitive: Rather than ‘nosy,’ we can view a student as exceptionally kind and caring student, and interested in others. Comment example: “Your child is highly attuned to others’ feelings. We’ll work on recognizing when it’s best to give peers their own space.”

Assertive: A ‘disrespectful’ student might just be a strong personality in need of refining their communication skills. Comment example: “Your child has strong opinions and isn’t afraid to voice them. We’ll focus on expressing these thoughts in a respectful and considerate manner.”

Easily Distracted: Instead of focusing on a student’s tendency to be distracted, recognize their curiosity. Comment example: “Your child has a wide range of interests. We will work on focusing that curiosity onto class assignments.”

Hesitant to Participate: Rather than label a student as ‘shy,’ acknowledge their thoughtful nature. Comment example: “Your child is a thoughtful observer. We’ll work on strategies to encourage more active participation.”

Struggles with Deadlines: Instead of saying a student is ‘procrastinating,’ highlight their time management opportunities. Comment example: “Your child dives deeply into their work. Let’s work together to develop stronger time management skills.”

Frequent Reminders Needed: Instead of describing a student as ‘forgetful,’ recognize their opportunity for developing organizational skills. Comment example: “Your child is full of ideas. We will work on strategies to help them remember their responsibilities.”

Struggles with Group Work: Rather than ‘antisocial‘ or ‘uncooperative,’ you can emphasize their independent spirit. Comment example: “Your child is an independent thinker. We’ll work on strategies to incorporate their unique perspectives into group tasks.”

Resistant to New Tasks: Instead of saying a student is ‘resistant,’ acknowledge their comfort with familiar routines. Comment example: “Your child excels with familiar tasks. We’ll work on strategies to help them embrace new challenges.”

Frequently Disruptive: Rather than ‘disruptive,’ emphasize their leadership potential. Comment example: “Your child has a strong presence. We’ll work on strategies to channel that into positive leadership.”

Quick to Anger: Instead of ‘temperamental,’ you can highlight their passionate nature. Comment example: “Your child is deeply passionate. We’ll work together on strategies to help them manage their strong feelings constructively.”

Difficulty Sitting Still: Rather than calling a student ‘fidgety,’ highlight their active nature. Comment example: “Your child is full of energy. We’ll work on strategies to help them channel that energy in a more focused manner.”

Struggles to Follow Rules: Instead of ‘defiant,’ frame the behavior as an opportunity for understanding authority and rules better. Comment example: “Your child values independence. We’ll work together on understanding the importance of rules within a community.”

The words we use can significantly influence a student’s perception of themselves. By shifting our language from negative to positive, we can help students see their potential and work on their challenges in a constructive manner.

With this approach, we not only promote a more positive learning environment, but we also help students develop essential life skills such as self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication. Remember, our aim is to nurture a child’s growth, not just academically but also socially and emotionally. Putting a positive spin on difficult tendencies can greatly contribute to achieving this goal.

You Got This!

With these insights, I hope your report card writing will be a more meaningful, efficient process. Here’s to a successful school year filled with student learning, growth, and many positive report card comments!

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to engage with this blog post. As fellow educators, let’s keep supporting each other and our students. Remember, the words we use can shape the course of a child’s education journey. Choose them wisely.

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