Champak comics in hindi pdf free download

Started in 1968, Champak is the largest-selling children’s magazine in India. Published in 8 languages, it reaches over 6 million kids across the world every month. Champak stories are beautifully illustrated, expand children’s creativity and bring positive self-worth. Through its stories set in a unique forest Champakvan, anthropomorphic characters encourage children to treat others with respect, respect and sensitivity.

Here’s Champak’s journey over the years:

· 2013: Maneka Gandhi, a member of Parliament, environmentalist and animal activist, started writing on the care and preservation of animals in the regular segment, “Marvellous Aunt Maneka”

Relatable and engaging stories based on adventure, mystery, humour, horror, science, great personalities and festivals that have colourful illustrations, intriguing plots, relevant characters, and captivating dialogues

Puzzles that boost problem-solving and visual recognition skills

DIY craft activities where easily sourced and recycled material is used to make decorative and functional objects

Science experiments that make learning fun and allow children to discover the science behind everything around them

Marvellous Aunt Maneka answers questions asked by kids on pets and animals

Comics that entertain and build a sense of humour

Jokes and riddles to entertain and ignite the minds of our young readers

From Young Readers gives children a platform to share their artwork and crafts, and voice their opinions in writing